Wednesday, November 9, 2011

+ A poem of Life+

salam aidiladha...'s like a new me..ble rindu m'buak2 nk update blog..i plan to share everything yg t'tangguh tp to sort n recall back everything it s not easy..dats y la for those yg plan to create acct blog they must think twice weather ada istiqomah ke x dlm nk menghasilkn entry atau cerita yg baru hampir setiap hari..if u dont think u can do that..tke a good step by do not have blog yet until u totally ensure and can promise to urself to continuously updating ur blog regularly..oke..kl x jd cm saya yg jarang2 upadate blog pastu nyesal sndri..n at the same time syg nk close this acct.. ok, it's looks like saya membebel's just a good advice i think so for those people who read this they can tke this short note under their consideration right...heee...

ok,let's jump to the real thing that i want to share..
pg td i was helping my mom kemas2  rumah tuisyen since early next month tuisyen dh nk lil bit busy kemas n cuci sna sni plus dgn bantuan everything akn jd lebh ringan..hehe..nk thu knp?? sbb mcm bibik je yg buat kja lbeh.haha....
dlm2 dok mengemas buku2 my sista n i yg sumpah byk gila..then i found a piece of paper yg penuh dgn wording..sekali igtkn notes buts it is actually a is my sista's poem...since i bukn jenis yg pndai buat poem so i 110%  confident yg poem to belong to my sista...there are 3 poem all together n i trying to digest every words in that poems but i end  up by do not get the real emotion into it..fuhhh,skrg i betul2 sedr i lansung xleh nk hadam ayat2 puitis n madah2 pujangga neh..ohh, so i terms to menikmati n hayati every emotion in the poem i totally failed..haha..

*tbe2 i t'igt da one guy,Amir(not a real name) n he is one of my friend..walaupon i xpenh jumpa dgn dia in real life tp we get connect very well smpai dia dh slh fhm dgn day he express his emotion towards me..i betol2 terkejot habis..then start form that day..he trying to get my intention my texting me with sweet2 words..n he start become a sweet talker..ohh my..i cannot accept that cause he is so diff from wht i know him from the beginning..ayt2 jiwang dia mmg i lnsung xfham..puisi, sajak n semua yg seangkatan ny i lnsung xleh nk bca n fham..kwn2 mmg gelak habis when they knw i xleh nk get long dgn this type of man..i lnsung xleh nk cair ngn ayt2 dia..
#for him: i'm truly sorry sbb xfham pon apa yg awk ckp..n now i'm really happy to u since u already get someone yg can accept even digest ur sweet words.. 

i was trying to get permission from my sista before share one of her poem here..and she say YES!!! 
tips: get some slow music or instrumental music so then it maybe will help u to get the emotion..


Aku ada juga terkenang..
Aku ada juga teringat..
Aku ada juga terbayang...
Aku ada juga terfikir..
Aku ada juga termimpi..
Aku ada juga berhasrat...
Aku ada juga berangan..
Aku ada juga berkira-kira...
Aku ada juga bercadang...
Untuk melakukan sesuatu
bagi mengubah kehidupanku..
Tapi itu semua hanya pernyataan..
Kerna semalam hanya semalam
tanpa disusuli dgn perlakuan..
Ternyata ia akan terus dikenang sebagai memori semalam..
 ~Sarra Leya~

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