Saturday, June 25, 2011

+Seriously, I'm back+


last entry was in february..sekrg dh jun..bertapa lma nye blog neh x dijengah...sian kn..almost 4buln jugk la xpenh sign in msuk blog sendri lately since my friends yg sma2 starts wt blog dh mula perli2 n ask about my think i need to do something and try my best to fulfill die nye favor...wt i can say, today will be my last day dekt shh time moving so fast...dh genap 2thun beljar dkt shh alm but the experience and memories  dekt shh alam is totally beyond than what i expected...whatever we do we do together...that what i can say...after 5 years of study..alhmdulillah..hri neh hri terakhir untuk owg yg bernma auni menamat kn status sebagai pelajr..insyallah..hopefully cause the result untuk intersesion blum keluar lg...lps result keluar nt bru officially dh tamat beljar..hehe...
 tbe2 je rsa mcm sedey nk tgl semua keindahan masa beljar neh..haishhh..betul owg kta msa yg paling best is masa kita beljar..once u step in the working world..u will never have opportunity untuk dpt kn moments2 sma mcm time lecturer penah kata..working world is all about fake..scary betul bila dgr bnda tu...sbb time keje everyone trying to showoff themselves, trying to expose to get others intention..x best kl time study everyone just be themselves..semua owg xlokek untuk b'kongsi ilmu...what i can say everybody around me such a very supportive friends...they will never look down when u fail, they will never hide hand when u need help, they will always give thier ears to listen our prob..that a friends for me..=) Terima kasih Allah kerana menemu manusia yg bernama Auni neh dgn insan2 yg baik...

*walaupon dh lma x cm ok lg la....leh lak ngarut pnjg2 kn...hehehe...

xnk cerita sedey2 la...kang nt t'lebih2 lak rindu shh alm neh..cmno..dh la jauh..hehe...

note: Alhamdulillah, parents dh savely arrive kt shh alm..brg2 pon dh siap packing2 dh...just waiting for them untuk angkut je....semoga perjalanan hri neh selamat...amin..=)


D' said...

welcome home auni..hehe..
miss u all la.. :)

♥aQilah♥ said...

thx dania...
miss u too beb...!