Tuesday, February 8, 2011

+itu aku+

salam senua nya..
nmpk nye..febuari challenge mcm xm'jd nye..seb baik sndri yg buat...
kl msuk contest ke apa ke...hbis la..bungkus gitu la jwb nye kan..
ok,act skrg neh dh hbis cuti CNY...so..dh pulang ke tempat yg penuh dgn stressful..mna lg kl bukn UiTM dihati ku....*dihati ke...bole la...
ohh..disbb kn this is the last semester..hopefully..amin...
so kerja xpyh nk ckp..nauzubillah..byk gile...kl boleh nk je lari dr semua neh...
final year project really mke me in the hard time...
looking for journal,article,summarizing all those things..mke me stuck in the middle...
semua bnda harus citation...harus da references...
heh..apakah ini semua...menci betol...
dats y betul owg ckp..bukn seng nk dpt degree...
skrg bru rsa..dlu xrsa cmtu pon...
xsbr rsa nya nk hbiskn semua bnda neh...
hopefully i can make it to the final...
so,skrg tgh b'tungkus lumus menyiapkan questionaire untuk data gathering....
that mke my day more worse...
huh,fenin2..kdg2 rsa cm xboleh blah je...
nk jerit nk melolong pon xguna..i still hve to faced it..kan..kan...

ok..ptg neh i need to see my supervisor..and the best things is i still not showing any progress at all..so spa nk jwb..habis..konfemm knapaku la i ngn die nt... 
*tgk la skrg neh pon msih smpt update blog....

ok,nk insaf dah...BYE...!!!

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