Monday, November 29, 2010

+i grow another a year+

hurmmm..cmne nk mula neh...kaki tgn semua rsa cm dh beku sma beku ngn otk smpai xthu cmne nk start blk hobby menulis di alm maya untuk tontonan umum neh...
hahahah...umum la sgt walhal tontonan sndiri dimsa akn dtg..hahaha..xpe bab tu kita abaikan dlu...

ok lets start with bismillah...supaya tabiat ku yg mls nk update blog neh dpt dirawt dgn kadr segera..kl xdirawat habuan ny terminate sj account blog neh....ohhhh tidakkk...x sggup!
xsggup untuk melps blog yg dh hmpir sethun i need a space to rearrange bck my dear blog..supaya nmpk perubhn skit...everything is on progress n hopefully is done soon oke...

shhhhhh...this is the big secret ever that i dare to share at this space...yesterday is my bufday!
27 nov 2010- 27 nov 1988 =??
* ko pndai math kn..calculus ko A ko kire sndri la umo aku bpe ea...
kl ko mls kire ko budget jela umo aku bru 18thun ea...thx...=)

hahahhaha....actually xdelah secret mna sgt semua angkara fesebuk...die canang hbis besday apa lg..all my fwen yg sweeet2...yg chumel2 n hemsem2 tu ambk kesemptn laaa kn...wish for my birthday....thx alots guys... rsa nye semua cmmt kt wall sempena besday ketuaan i dh pon i rply dgn senang hati....thx sgt2....i like...i like....

thx jugk for mama n abh..yg sggup xtdo lg...wish for my birthday on that night..taching suggh la word cn describe my feeling on that moments..cuba air mata ku agk degil mlm tu...*die cm ego ckit..xnk ngalir...dh pksa pon xnk jugk..xpe..air mata kl dh xnk kuar xleh d pksa2...kl di pksa2 jugk melimpah trus..kang sush..kedah dh la bru surut bnjir kn..kang xpsal2 kerana air mata ku kedah dilanda banjir kali ke 2...hahahhaah...*sgt korg pndai2 la abaikan....statement aku yg agk dungu tu...kikiki....=P

opss..n 1 more things...thx to my lovely parents n beautiful sister...*eceh...bodek ke apa aku neh.... terima kasih xterhingga untuk hadiah2 yg super best...!
i just got another piece of pearl haya from my parents*kerana ku msih xmampu nk beli sndri tu yg suka tuuuuu..... n my sister bough me a pair of bangle yg sgt funky...*padahal sndri pilh....sndri puji... sila maafkn birthday gurl ea.....hahahhaha
disbb kn hadiah2 yg best tu ku tersa seperti driku begitu b'harga...eceh....
n me my self beli a necklace sbg hadiah utk dri sndri..sweeeeetttt x? sweeeet kn...hahahhaha..nk tggu en bofren lmbt sgt nk beli sndri la jwb nye...ohhhh...*tbe 2 rsa seperti diru ku tidak begitu b'harga...hampeh....
so en.bofren..sila cpt dtg dlm hidupku..i just need ur present...u? i will consider later...hahhhaha...*gila x berperikemanusiaan i neh....

n what mke my besday even more happier is i jst got 7days free col n msg from celcom....
that y i LOVE CELCOM.
mxis?? ada ko bg aku free...?? harapan...menci!
so spa rsa nk bork 7hri 7mlm ngn aku silaa laaaa jgn malu jgn segan .....just leave ur hp no in the comment box*apsal cm t'desak je bunyi nye....hahaha....

thats all for today...i just so in love with cooking...*pe kena mengena...wait for the next story..=)


.:Farah Liyana:. said...

hye princess ;)

D' said...

happy birthday auni! sory lambat wish..hehe