Friday, January 16, 2009

counting the day to be 'maksu'

hurmm..wah,nmpk gya ny fmly akn bertmbh ahli ny this year!!! my sista n sista in law..just got pregnant..congratulation 2 both of them...diowg nih agk2 ny planningg sista in law mke a pregnancy check a day after my sista..n the result show +ve!! that mean i'm gonna be 'mak su ' la this year..wah,excited nyer...cmne la agk2 ny muko ank2 sedra aku tuh..mesti tomei2 cm mak su dia kn..ahakss..tolong la auni..(udeh2 lew,perasn jew....) eh,bia la..ank sedara aku bukn owg,my sista if i not mistaken is going that mean dlm buln 8/9 ni la i'm gonna be a 'mak su'hahaha...suke2!! now,i tgk my sista dh mengalami symptom2 ngndung yg normal..iaitu muntah2 je keje ny...especially after brush her teeth..hurmm,aku tya mama npe the explanation is to mke sure bnde2 yg xsesuai utk bby dpt dikeluar is nature..itu semua kuasa allah.. notes:kl nk tahu bole ke my sista tunjk kn pregnancy test dia kt aku..konon2 nk la aku thu sgt..(mse dia gtaw aku dia pregnant tuh..aku awt xde perasn sebnr ny..epy gle!!..MAHU TIDAK..aku ni bongsu maaa..xde ni la mse ny!! can't wait 4 it...

nway ni la my sista n my sista inlaw..juz tke a look..mne la thu kl terserempak leh wish congrats!!hakhak...

:::during their wedding:::

:::my bro n my sista in law:::

look at them..they are talking something..
nway congrat 2both of them!!


camera kasar said...

hype..thnx 4lw ea...
keep it touch ya..

♥aQilah♥ said...

hye..hope so tooo..:)