Monday, January 31, 2011

+me=previous,present n future+

salam semua nya...

1st things 1st..
to my dearest blog...
i'm truly sorry cause dh lma x menjenguk si buah hati neh..
terlalu byk ceritera yg sedih yg sukr untuk dikongsikan...terlalu byk jugk kisah2 gembira yg sush auni nk kongsi dlm bentuk penulisan..apa2 pon si buah hati ini terlalu istemewa..walaupon jarg dijenguk tp sentiasa dlm ingatan..eceh..*yela..i'm not fake ok...seriously blog ini sesuatu yg b'makna...mungkin pd owg lain is just nothing...
ok..lets start share what i hve in mind skrg..
so the organization of the story maybe hair wire skit..but who cares kan...
last 8 years ago...*wah..dh mcm story telling lak kn....
msa tu auni dlm f3..auni notice yg auni suka melukis..wlpon serius buruk tahap apa pon xthu..but i just love drawing..and the great thing is auni suka melukis baju..konon2 nk jd fashion designer lah..hehe...pendam je dlm hati nk jd fashion designer...parents n family semua pon diowg semua realize yg auni suka melukis...but maybe the talent is not shine yet..hahha....
so,after pmr with not really flying colors but bole la nk bngga ngn ank cucu nt..hehe..auni pon try mintk kt mama nk msuk sekolh the beginning mmg mama ngn abh kurg setuju...kta nye suruh sekolh dekt2 je..cause kl auni g teknik..i hve to stay at hostel..huh,*keciwa sy...
lps auni dpt offer smbg dlm bidg sains stream account...ohh...rsa mcm dunia neh kejam sgt sbb account tu sgt la xbole blah..account really killing,auni pon decide nk pujuk parents for the 2nd time..and its works...! mama ngn abh pasrah je..auni pilh untuk smbg dlm jurusn pengajian pakaian teknik...the course is just awesome! one step to become the designer...ohh yeah....!
after spm..alhmdullh..auni jd best student untuk subjk pengajian pakaian...i got A! what i hve in mind is just apply for politeknik n prepare for my 2nd step to be a semua nye seperti sudh t'tulis oleh Ilahi...auni xdpt smbg dkt politeknik*keciwa..:(
a week lps tu auni dpt offer letter from uitm..untuk jurusan diploma sains komputer.... ha?? what the???
i want to be designer not to be computer techinician* sgt cetek pengetahuan ttg career time tu..asl komputer..mesti jd technician...sedih betul ngn sy wktu tuu....
but sgt dump waktu tu...cta2 untuk m'jd designer...hancur..lebur....berkecai..
nk xnk..i hve to tke the offer letter from uitm..sbb mmbr2 lain semua dh stat smbg xkn nk stay kt umh without do anyting i just tke it and leave the rest to Allah..semua ny pasti punya hikmah....

alhmdullh after 3years struggle to finish the diploma...i'm finallly graduate..xsgka..serius..time msuk diploma sains komp dlu..serius blur course apa yg aku dpt neh...sgt down tgk kwn2 lain semua thu ttg comp..rsa dri cm semut sgt time tu..heh..

n now tgh struggle untuk habiskan my degree pulak in business computing..oke untuk degree course in auni yg pilh tnpa paksaan dr siapa2...knp business computing??
rmai jugk owg pelik bila dgr nma course neh...but i'm realized when people tends to ask about this shown that the course is pretty interesting to tell about...
jrg da universiti offer this course..even course neh pon bru jugk dkt wonder laa..rmai yg cm wt muka pelik2 skit bila dgr course neh...hihihi..
may be auni kn wt entry spesel untu story psal course neh...hehe...
auni decide untuk smbg dlm course ni..sbb 1st auni realize business is everyday..n to be what i dream before..i need all.. the soul of art,the small tiny talent, the knowledge n the technology...bru la business tu, i tke what happen in the previous in the positive way..what already happen is just sign for me what i will be in the future...semua itu aturan Yang Maha Esa..pasti yg t'baik buat kita...kl dlu auni sedih sbb xpdt nk buat apa yg auni skrg auni happy sbb takdir Allah itu t'lalu sempurna...auni cuma akn terus b'hrp semoga pa yg b'laku pd auni di msa depn juga sentiasa di bwh lindungan n barakah nya...

so kpd adik2 lepasan spm yg still confius2 lg nk smbung dlm jurusan apa nt...
buat la pilhn yg t'baik..kerana apa yg kita putus kn skrg akn m'nentukan kita di msa hadpan..
kdg2 pihn kita itu bukn pihn yg telah ditetapkan jgn putus asa..igt pasti ada sesuatu yg lebh baik telah direncana kn buat kita....
tabah dan redha dgn ketentuan Allah itu xbermkn kita akn mengalah...
walau apa pon jurusan @bidg yg kita dpt..ambil ia sebagai cbrn..insyallah..

n dont forget to visit any higher educational expo..sbb byk info2 pasl local n private univiersiti @ college kt worth untuk msa depn..collect sebyk mna info..n mke the brilliant choice for the sake of ur future ok...

n just now i got msg from celcom inform about this
Karnival Pengajian Tinggi Negara " Jom Masuk U 2011!"
akn start 14 jan-3apr diselurh negara...
what u guys can do is just log on to http://upu. for more details...

tke cre..=)

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