Thursday, May 20, 2010

+'i'm NOT a tV Commercial+

salam guys...
u know what..u know what...
bila bosan2 cmni...otak sgt ligat b'tindak dan b'aksi to think about something interesting to do to make sure the empty space of time can be fully utilized... ohhh..thanks alot to my my little cerebrum and cerebellum and those combination parts in the brain especially memory of couse..
*mmg parts tu je i thu pon..i bukn pakar kaji otak..wee~
kl tnpa die...i think..this blog does not exist..coz i wrote through my experience..memories bring me here..bring me in the blogging world and what soever..

thanks again to my brain wlopn kdg2 die cm stuck jugk tmbh2 kl time exam la kn..sllu je nk hang..sllu je paksa tuan die wt aktiviti menggoreng jawapn..thu la jwpan i goreng tu sedp dr ayam kfc black paper..*mmg nk kena g kfc jugk xyh sllu sgt,.tengah2 i blogwalking..
yeee blogwalking adalah yg satu2 ye walking yg xmengeluarkan peluh..kl xcya try la..
*tapi jgn pula angkut lappy pastu blogwalking tgh panas..mmg konfem ah..hehehe..


act during blogwalking tuh i t'jumpa one of the tv commercial model..boleh than femes jugk dlm tv commercial..not an actor..not a singer as well..mmg die tuh popular sbg model kot..disbbkan kebetulan keterjumpaan blog beliau..i tbe2 je dpt idea that come spontaneously from my brain which is 'the most tv commercial i hate' ok,i thu i xpatot wujud perasaan xsuka neh..but i'm normal and straight people*perlu ke mention straight dats mean sometime i suka..da sometime i xsuka nak mampos...bukn i rsa cm menyampah gila la nk tgk..thap cm nk baling je tv tu dlm tong smpah*walaupon bukn salah tv tu pon...ttp jugk nk baling dlm tong smpah..kl xbmuat tong smpah..tong *&^$# pon bole kot....ok..stop emo auni..stop it..

let's take a look bottom2 tv commercial that i hate most

1st: Ribena Lemon
reason apsal i cm b'bulu je tgk iklan neh sbb i xsuka the choosen of song..apsal lak nk lagu cm hindustand..haishh..pelik..* but i think they hve reasons...

2nd: Fair & Lovely
reason untuk i menyampah ngn iklan neh pulak..sbb haishh..ko xcntik...ko blame bapak ko pulak..hrmmm..apa2 jela..*just attraction maybe..for me..they deliver msg in such a wrong kl tgk ikaln fair& lovely yg lain ok je..yg ni je cm pelik ckit...:P

sorry for those selected..maybe u guys should improved more smpai i suka*cehhh..budget bgus je i neh..teettt..abaikan...but is ok..atleast my brain recognized and store u'ols dlm my mind...*coz u know what notes EC yg pendek tu pon kdg2 otak i neh xnk i know my brain is choosy..bla..bla..bla...

here we go..below are top 2 tv commercial I LIKE!!!
coz the way they presented and deliver the message..sgt urban..sgt wow...congrats u'ols..!

1st: TMnet
reasons sbb suka..hhmm dh mmg suka...xleh nkwtcme..ttp suka jugk...

2nd: Streamyx Combo..
ok reasons sbb suka iklan neh..for sure it close to our nature and funny at same time..sgt clear msg yg nk dismpaikn..i like u'ols..

kl di ikotkn byk lg tv commercial lain yg i suka..tmbh2 kl tv commercial sempena national day ,hari raya puasa,hari raya cina..smpai kdg2 i t'congok la dpn tv semata2 nk tgk iklan bru..xnk missed la owg kta..sbb kl iklan2 cmtu die nye period of time untuk tyg tu sekjp je..during that season jela..hbis musim..habislah la iklan favorite tv commercial kl time celebration day of course la Petronas,Maxis & Telekom ...sma kot cm u'ols kn...

*td i tgk blog si chumel ajwin ajeera..plss jgn gtaw u'ols xknal okeh...sbb beliau sgt santek and do femes as well..hehehe..:P
beliau da update pasal 30days menarik..mahu join lah..thx ajwin sbb deliver such a good idea untuk owg2 yg kering kontang idea cm i neh..huhu

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