Tuesday, August 25, 2009

+the sTory of liTtle cuTe bOy+

salam guys
act lma gle dh planning nk post dis entry...tp atlast,ble bukak je blog da je bnde len yg aku post...dh t'pesong dr tujuan sebenar...ok2 so today dh xmo t'pesong2 lg dh ...xmo melalut2 lg dh..just straight to da point...hihi.(hahhaha,agk2 leh cye ke ngn kta2 aku neh..??)
hahhaha..sila la percya....ni bukn main2..ne btol2...

ok this entry is dedicate to my special liltle cute boy
Akif Danish Hafeed...
kehadiran budk comel neh dlm fmly mke our fmly became more colors....My sista selmt deliver her baby pg 10 Aug 2009. kire nye dlm mggu tuh aku keep coling my mum to mke sure aku x t'lps dr thu berita gembira tuh..act my sista overdew sbb tuh mcm rsaw..the day yg die suppose deliver die leh rilex2 je lg...xsakit pe pon..lastly my mom decide bwk die g hospital n doc advised soh deliver sbb kndungn dh matang n danish dh t'minum air ketuban..so might dangerous to baby and mom at same time.....but sadly my sista cannot deliver normal n t'paksa jgk dibedah..xkisah la kn cmne my sista deliver pon yg pentg both of them selamt...n akif danish selmt smpai kedunia.....hehehe...

according to mom story..bila danish kuar je tgk dunia je die trus nangis kuat gile...hihi(comel la kau..keluar2 wt bising knnn....) pastu danish bole lak g kencing kt doc yg keluar kn die...(hahhaha,double comel lah kau...keluar2 trus tunjk ganas...hihihi)
kire nye pg 10Aug tu,my sista the only one yg deliver,dats mean Danish lepak sowg2 je dlm wad baby tu..xde kawan...(alllooo,cian die knn...)3 hari pas tu bru my sista keluar wad n balik umh..n now dlm process m'pantangkn diri(hambik ko..xleh mkn sdp2 kn....hihihi) n Danish keep on growing day by day...tp even smpai skrg die lom kenal lg ngn pengarang entry khas utk die neh....a.k.a mak su die....semua info pasal danish aku just get from my mom..my mom will update the latest story to me...hahhaa,stdy jauh2 neh sgt m'cabar jiwa raga laaa... xleh nk balik kerap2,so hri rya nt la bru dpt jumpa Danish si little cute boy....hohoh..Danish tggu maksu balik rya nt habis la kau aku kerjakan...hahhhaa(boleh cmtu....??)

lastly congratulation to my sista and her husband sbb dh jd
and congrats gak kt abah and mama sbb dh jd
and last but not least my brother n his wife..tahniah krna kalian b'dua sdh m'jadi
aku?? aunty ke maksu bru vouge?? nk vouge je kje nye....xkish la...aunty ke makcu ke...yg penting kerjasama...
(hahaha,xde kna mengena...)


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